I will never forget the day my best friend and I had to cast a demonic spirit out of my house. At the time I was living in a three-bedroom apartment with two roommates. Now, my apartment was generally quiet and without incidence, but one of my roommates – we’ll call her Tasha – had recently moved in and sis brought a lot of chaos along with her. Our normally quiet, God-glorifying home turned into a place where drug dealers would regularly stop by, alcohol was abundant, and more than a few unsavory characters would be in and out. There was lots of sex, drugs, and threats of violence (my roommates did NOT like each other). The atmosphere just always felt dark.
Well on one weekend, I found myself home alone. Both roommates had gone out of town, and I was enjoying a nice quiet day at home with my best friend Brittany. It was a normal, peaceful Saturday afternoon as we relaxed in my living room. I can’t remember exactly what Brit was doing, but I was reading my Bible and taking notes. The house was quiet and serene when all of a sudden, I broke the silence to share something I had read in my study with Brittany.
As I was sharing what the Holy Spirit was showing me in scripture, we began to hear a noise coming from Tasha’s room, which was right off the living room. Now, mind you, I’ve already told you that both of my roommates were out of town. Tasha had been gone for THREE days at this point, and her bedroom door was locked. We knew there was no way anyone could be in there. Not only that, but the sound we heard from her room didn’t sound like a person. Both Brittany and I heard the bed moving – almost as if someone was jumping on it – and then growling. Yep, you read that right. We heard a deep guttural GROWLING that sounded almost annoyed and indignant – like whatever was in Tasha’s room was HEATED that we had the nerve to be talking about God.
I knew immediately that we needed to cleanse the house.
The Spirit Realm is REAL
I’m not sure what led you to this blog post. Heck, you may not be sure either. You may not even believe in demons and the supernatural. That’s OK. Regardless of whether you believe it or not, there is a very active supernatural realm that is more real than the realm we live in. The Bible tells us that the world we see isn’t the only world that exists. In 2 Corinthians 4:18, we are told that the things we can see with our natural eyes are temporary, while the things we can’t see – spiritual things – are eternal. Everything that we see around us comes from and is affected by the spiritual realm that we can’t see.
Ephesians 6:11-12 provides further insight into the spirit realm – in particular demonic forces.
Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil. For weare not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. ~ Ephesians 6:11-12
We have a real enemy and it’s not other people. Satan is our number one adversary and he and his little crew (demons and principalities) are always looking for ways to steal, kill, destroy, cause confusion, and wreak havoc in the lives of people. While we can see his effects clearly whenever we turn on the news or log into social media – crime, death, homelessness, and all other social ills – we can sometimes be oblivious to the fact that he is working just as hard in our very own homes.
The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.
~ John 10:10
It is vitally important that we spiritually cleanse our homes – driving any and all traces of demonic activity and influence out – because if left unchecked, the enemy will wreak havoc on your marriage, your children, your peace, and anything else you hold dear to your heart. He will cause division between you and your spouse, incite rebellion in your children, attack you with fear, depression, and anxiety. The enemy is not playing out here, friend! He’s strategic and his goal is to completely alienate you from God and the amazing plans He has for your life, and it all starts at home!
When should you spiritually cleanse your home?
There is no specific timetable for when you should cleanse your home but there are a few times when I think it’s wise and necessary to do so.
The first is when you initially move into a new space. When you’re moving into a new home – whether as a renter or an owner – it’s wise to go through the home and cleanse it simply because you don’t know who or what was in there before you. Demonic forces will literally take up residence anywhere a door has been left open to them and they don’t leave just because the prior occupants moved out. Even if the home you bought is brand new and you’re the first one there, spiritual forces could have been occupying the land the home sits on, or even brought in by the contractors who worked on your home. It is better to be safe than sorry and spiritually cleanse your home as soon as you get your keys and move in.
The second occasion I would advise you to spiritually cleanse your home is anytime there is unexplained stress, strife, anxiety, or chaos in your home. Are you and your husband fighting out of nowhere and for no reason (with most of these fights happening only when you are home)? Have your kids started acting a fool all of a sudden? Have you started being plagued with nightmares, night terrors, or unexplained feelings of fear and anxiety? These are all indications that it’s time to spiritually cleanse your home.
Everything mentioned thus far is precautionary or a reaction to things feeling “off” in your home. The third situation that requires you to cleanse your home spiritually is when you come against a situation like I described earlier with my roommate’s room. If you encounter OBVIOUS supernatural/paranormal activity – like things moving on their own, sounds that you can’t explain (especially if the source of the sound is not visible), or even being physically touched and/or attacked – this is a blaring red-hot signal that you need to kick something out of your home!
How do you spiritually cleanse your home?
1 | Understand your authority as a believer in Jesus Christ
In the movies, whenever there is demonic activity, nine times out of ten they call for a priest or pastor to come in to handle the issue. I’m so happy that real life is nothing like the movies. If you belong to Jesus Christ (meaning you have accepted Him as your Lord and Savior), you have so much authority regardless of your title in church.
“And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” ~ Mark 16:17-18
Did you catch that first sentence? Jesus said that the ability to cast out demons will be granted to those who believe. Which means you don’t need to rise through the ranks in the church to cast out a devil. If you are a believer in Jesus, you – just as you are – can command evil spirits to flee and they will have to obey. Still not convinced? Let’s look at what Jesus says in Luke 10:19.
“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”
~ Luke 10:19
Jesus said He gave us authority.
Authority [ uh-thawr-i-tee], noun: the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command, or determine.
When it comes to spiritual matters here on earth, God has given us the power and the right to control, command, and determine what gets to have free reign in our homes and what does not. This isn’t a new concept. It was actually God’s idea from the beginning of creation. In Genesis 1:26 – 28, it tells us that God’s original plan for man was for us to have dominion over everything that moves on the earth (that includes demonic spirits).
Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.” ~ Genesis 1:26-28 (emphasis added)
I’m taking some time on this point because I need you to KNOW you have the authority to spiritually cleanse your home. If you don’t realize you have authority over Satan and his little minions, you’ll never exercise it in your home – or anywhere else for that matter.
When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels, and you have crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands. You have put all things under his feet.
~ Psalm 8:3-6 (emphasis added)
Child of God, you have been given the power and authority to set the atmosphere in your home. The first step to spiritually cleansing your home is knowing this and OWNING IT.
2 | Purge your home of anything that celebrates, glorifies, or encourages sin
You can’t cast out a devil you agree with. If you entertain sin in your life and your home, you give the enemy an open door to walk on in. Many times, demons will attach themselves to things/objects that are used for or promote sin. Go through your home and remove things that don’t glorify God. Pornography. Idols (that cute Buddha statue that you’re using for décor – yeah, that’s an idol that’s used for worship in another religion. Let it go.) Items that promote witchcraft – things as obviously dark as Ouija boards and as seemingly harmless as Harry Potter books.
Let’s pause on Harry Potter for a minute, because I know someone reading this just clutched their pearls and got mad at me. Listen, I am a HUGE Harry Potter fan and have been since the first book was released. I have read all the books and seen all the movies except for the final one. I love the story of overcoming evil and of Harry rising from being an abused orphan to a hero. I love the wonder and creativity of Hogwarts and Hogsmeade village. I totally understand why people love Harry Potter. However, I also know how God feels about witchcraft.
I know that the Bible does not have one instance where it distinguishes between “good” witchcraft and “bad” witchcraft, but rather condemns it as a whole. God hates witchcraft. He doesn’t want us depending on magic to manipulate our environment but rather wants us to lean on and trust in HIS power to protect and promote us. So for this reason, no matter how amazing and endearing Harry Potter is and how much I still love the story, I choose to disassociate myself from that which God has called evil.
Moving along …
Purging your home also entails sanctifying the type of music and media you allow to play in your home. Listening to music that encourages sex outside of marriage, violence, drugs, and crime doesn’t glorify God. Watching movies or shows that celebrate adultery, murder, mayhem, and fear (ahem, horror movies). All of these things create an atmosphere that Satan loves but that God hates. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather create an atmosphere that attracts the Holy Spirit and repels any and everything that is not from Him.
3 | Pray over your home
I touched on praying over your home in my blog post “4 Simple Ways to Make Your Home More Inviting”, and it bears repeating here. Prayer is a powerful way to take authority over your home!
Remember that story from earlier about the demon manifesting in Tasha’s room? I never told you what happened after Brittany and I heard the growling.
After we both heard the noise coming from her room, we stared at each other in silence, shocked, for a few seconds. Brittany looked at me and whispered, “Are you hearing this?” I nodded my head, and slowly closed my Bible. Without missing a beat, she and I both stood up. Without hesitation, I put my hand on Tasha’s door and bellowed, “IN THE MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS! I COMMAND WHATEVER IS IN THIS APARTMENT TO GO!” Brittany immediately started praying in the Holy Spirit. For the next five or ten minutes, we prayed over every inch of my apartment, commanding every evil spirit to go.
I can’t remember the exact prayer, but I’m sure it went something like: “In the name of Jesus we command every evil spirit to go. We plead the blood of Jesus over this home. Satan, you have no right or authority here and we command you to go and never return!”
As I was praying in the living room and kitchen, Brittany made her way back to my room which was in the very back of the apartment. All was seemingly normal as she passed from my bedroom, and into my bathroom, but when she got to the closet STUFF GOT REAL. As soon as she placed her hand on my closet door and pushed it open, the boxes and items on the top shelf of my closet started shaking violently. She called me back there and together we prayed over that space until whatever was in there had left.
It was CRAZY. I had experienced demonic activity before but NEVER at that level of physical manifestation. What’s even crazier though, is that neither Brittany nor I was afraid! We KNEW the authority we had as believers in Jesus Christ. We knew that Satan couldn’t stand against the name and power of Jesus Christ and that he HAD to obey We knew that no evil the enemy planned could hurt two blood-bought, blood-washed children of the Most High God – and the enemy knew it too! After that day, we never had another problem in that apartment with supernatural activity.
Prayer is powerful. When you pray in the name of JESUS the enemy has no choice but to obey and leave your home.
4 | Anoint your home with oil
In the Bible anointing something or someone with oil was used to signify that that person or object was dedicated to and belonged to the Lord. For this reason, I like to anoint my doors and windows with oil. It is my way of letting the enemy know “this home belongs to God, it is dedicated for His use and glory, and you CAN NOT come in here.”
You don’t need any fancy oil to do this; any will work. I typically use olive oil or grapeseed oil because that’s what is normally in my house. I take the oil and pray over it and dedicate it to use for the Lord ( ex: ‘Lord, I bless this oil and set it apart for Your glory and use for Your Kingdom.’) Very simple, yet effective.
Next, I go around to every door and window and smear the oil over the top, and down each side (I am heavy-handed with this, but you don’t need a lot. A thin layer of oil is sufficient). For the front door and every internal door (i.e. bedrooms, bathroom, closet doors, etc) I also anoint the front and back of the door. As I anoint the doors and windows, I pray a blessing over every room as I go. This is time-consuming, but I can feel the difference almost immediately!
I remember a while ago my husband and I had gotten into a really bad argument one night. It was so bad he told me he was considering leaving. I was crushed and honestly didn’t know what to do because the argument came out of nowhere and escalated so quickly and viciously before either of us really knew what was happening. I knew there was more at work behind the scenes than just our emotions. The Holy Spirit told me to pray and anoint the house with oil.
When my husband fell asleep that night, I took some oil, blessed it and went around our condo praying and anointing every door. I even tiptoed into our room while he slept and whispered a prayer over him before smearing a tiny dab of oil on his forehead. The next morning, he woke up like a new person. No more arguing. No more threatening to leave. He even apologized. I was amazed. Use the oil, friend. It works.
A Warning About Using Sage
When I typed “how to spiritually cleanse your home” into Google, the main topic that kept showing up was regarding how to use sage to rid your house of bad energy or spirits – a practice called smudging. I am not against using sage for medicinal reasons or even just burning it because you like the smell. I am, however, completely against using sage (smudging) to spiritually cleanse your atmosphere.
Smudging has historically been rooted in the occult and, more recently, in New Age practices, both of which are not rooted in scripture and violate God’s word. We cannot go outside of God’s will and expect to get God’s results. When we use practices that were designed by Satan to try to drive out Satan, our efforts are futile. Simply put, using occult practices only invites more of the occult into your life. The name and blood of Jesus is enough. The tools He has given us are enough. We don’t need sage to drive out a devil. The name of Jesus does the job just fine.
*For a more in-depth look at the topic of why you shouldn’t use sage to spiritually cleanse your home, check out this article from Crosswalk.com.
My Prayer for You
If you’ve made it this far kudos to you! This was A LOT of information, but I wanted to make sure you knew not only how to cleanse your home spiritually but also the why and what that is happening all around us in the spirit realm. My prayer for you is that all the information you read here will empower you to take authority in your home and as a result experience more peace, more joy, and more of God in your everyday life. The tips here really do work if you work them. To give you a little boost, I’ve created a guide of 10 Powerful Ways to Pray Over Your Home. To access the list, simply click the image below and fill out the form. The guide will be emailed directly to you. I pray these prayers bless your home the way they have blessed mine!

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